Unhaggle | Suffering from Road Rage? Here’s How to Fix That Right Now

Posted by | May 15, 2014 | Features, Other | No Comments

Angry female driver

Road rage… While it’s not something any of us enjoy, in today’s fast-paced and hectic world, it’s not all that uncommon. According to a survey from an insurance comparison website, almost 80% of Canadians admitted to suffering from road rage. However, even if you are prone to growling and yelling as you drive, you can still find a way to fight it. Knowing exactly what causes road rage and how to beat it can go a long way, especially if you are just about to buy a new car.

What Causes Road Rage?


The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) states that road rage “involves a criminal act of violence, whereas aggressive driving can range from tailgating to speeding to running red lights.” As the survey results clearly show, road rage is a common problem for Canadians, which leads to the question: what causes it? There is no shortage of things that can cause you to lose your patience on the highway, whether it is someone blocking the merge lanes or driving slowly in the passing lane or your own mental state at the time. If you were stressed out or angry to begin with, it is easier for you to get mad at bad drivers as you get an object to focus your anger on.

Whatever the root cause is, road rage always has a psychological element to it. For instance, it’s infuriating to be cut off as you drive your Toyota Venza or have someone tailgating you, because it shows the lack of respect on the part of the other driver. It’s just as infuriating when the other driver next to you refuses to move over to another lane and allow you to merge in.

Needless to say, all of that can have a lasting impact on your mental state. Just one incident can result in an elevated heart rate and agitated mood for the rest of your day, throwing you off your routine. Imagine if it was an especially important day for you, such as a big investor meeting. Surely, you’d rather not become a victim of road rage, so read on to find out how you can beat this beast.

How to Beat It


When it comes to road rage, prevention is the best medicine, but if you find yourself inevitably caught in a rage, keep in mind the following tips. Take deep breaths to calm down, remembering that we all make mistakes and that the other driver is just a human being too. Consider also that the other person might be angry as well. Perhaps, they are having a bad day or you may have mistakenly done something wrong to them. Either way, remember not to take things personally, as road ragers don’t see the offender as a person, but rather as an object, according to this source.

If you are right in the middle of a sticky situation and notice yourself clenching the steering wheel like one tends to do when they’re angry, try flexing your fingers and loosening your hold to help you relax. If your right foot is cramped, use cruise control on your car. Try not to drive for very long without taking breaks, with suggested 10 to 15-minute breaks for every three hours of uninterrupted driving.

How to Prevent It


Depending on your approach to driving, you can help prevent road rage from ever occurring in the first place. Firstly, try and ensure you are as calm as possible before heading out on your commute, making sure you have had a full night’s sleep. Plan ahead and add extra time, so that you don’t get yourself caught in a pickle. If you add just 10 minutes to your expected travel time, you’ll have time to safely navigate your Mazda6 through those crowded roads or detour around construction.

Above all, make your goal to minimize any contact, as the farther and faster an enraged driver gets from your car, the better. If necessary, change your route or give way to the offender to avoid further contact. You’ll be calmer when you get to your destination.

Everyone suffers from road rage, yet it does not have to be a huge issue like it is made out to be. With a little awareness and planning, you can control any road rage incident or avoid them altogether, preventing your emotions from getting the best of you.


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