Posts by Taras Trofimov - Page 7 of 8 - Unhaggle Blog

How to Calculate Your Monthly Car Loan Payment

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How to Calculate Your Monthly Car Loan Payment

Let’s face it – most of us are more likely to finance a car than pay cash outright. Why? Because few of us can spare tens of thousands of dollars all at once. Saving up for a cash payment could work, but few of us possess the patience. Leasing is affordable too, but it does not allow real vehicle ownership. This leaves financing as the only viable way of actually owning a vehicle. However, if you’re frightened of taking that first step to finance a car, you can easily alleviate your fears by calculating your potential monthly car loan payment to find out exactly what you can afford. Read More

Why Now is a Perfect Time to Buy a New Car

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2014 is one of the best years to buy a new car. Find out why!

While we would argue that buying a new car is always better than buying a used one, there are several compelling arguments that may convince you otherwise. One of them is the fact that used cars are always cheaper – though truth be told they are not cheaper by much, especially if they are not that old. Another perceived perk of buying a used car is the fact that they don’t lose their resale value as quickly as new cars. We have already addressed the whole depreciation problem in one of our earlier articles, but if you’re still not convinced, you might just make a small exception for this year – because 2014 is a perfect year to buy a new car. Here’s why: Read More

Why Toyota Camry Hybrid Is Every Bit As Good As Prius

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The 2014 Toyota Camry Hybrid is exactly what you’d expect from a hybrid car in this price range – it’s reliable, nimble and fuel-efficient. It’s basically a Prius in sedan form.

Hybrid cars may not be perfect, but they are definitely a step in the right direction as far as fuel efficiency and environmental friendliness go. Yes, there are issues with them – and we have pointed them out in an earlier article – but there is still a good reason to respect them. They are the proof that green cars can be profitable, which is a good thing for everyone. Read More

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